Phantom of the Opera

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Quizzes on The Phantom, Christine, Raoul, and more! Got a quiz you want posted. Send it to or if you just have good questions please send them in. Ive decided to put quiz results on teh site so click the Quiz result links if you've taken the quizzes and see your results!

Sound on this page (you might not know some of the answers they are hard)

Quiz Results

Who plays the Phantom?
Who plays Christine?
Who plays Raoul?
Who plays La Carlotta?
Who Plays Madame Giry?
Who plays Meg?
What is the Weight of the Chandelier?
What is the height of the Chandelier?
What is the Width of the Chandelier
What was the Chandelier made of?
Who was the Chandelier produce by? (someone in paris)
How long did it take to construct the Chandelier?
How long did it take to assemble the Chendelier?
What is the main time period of the movie?
What is the name of the Opera House (duh)
How many Opera's are in the movie?
How many Ballet's are in the movie?
What type of item was used in hair, clothes and on the chandelier?
How long did it take to do the Phantom's makeup?
Who was the music by? (another easy one)
Where was the movie shot at?
What is your name?
What is your email?
Are there any answers that you would like to know? (because they interest you)

The Phantom Quiz

What is the Phantom's real name?
What was the Phantom's first mask?
What box at the Opera Populaire does the Phantom say is his?
What is the name of the Opera the Phantom wrote?
What 2 people did the Phantom Kill?
What name was the Phantom called at the circus?
How many notes did the Phantom send during the Notes scene?
What are the Phantom's commands for the performance of his opera?
How old is the Phantom?
Where does the Phantom live?
What is your email address?
What is your name?

The Christine Daae Quiz

What was her father's job?
At what age was Christine Orphaned?
Where does she know Raoul from?
What does Raoul call her?
What part does Christine play in II Muto?
What part does Christine play in The Phantom's Opera?
What is Christine's wardrobe throughout the movie? Describe them or say what act.
What is Christine's father's name?
What did Christine and Raoul have in the attic?
Who is Christine's Angel of Music?
What is your email address?
What is your Name?

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