1st outfit: Slave Girl Outfit, worn during Hannibal and by the rest of the Chorus girls including Meg Giry
2nd Outfit: Gala Dress, worn during the Gala
3rd Outfit: Night outfit, worn when Phantom takes her to his lair
4th Outfit: Pageboy outfit, word during II Muto
5th Outfit: Carlotta's II Muto Outfit, Worn on the rooftop with Raoul when they sang All I Ask of You
6th Outfit: Masquerade Dress, Worn during the Masquerade
7th Outfit: Night Gown, worn when sneaking out at first
8th Outfit: Black Dress, Worn to visit her father's grave
9th Outfit: Black and White dress, Would be considered her jeans and t-shirt in that time. A little comparison so you
know what it would be like if in those days. My point in saying this that to us it would be fancy cause we wear jeans and
t-shirt or something of that nature. Not a dress when relaxing.So it's her everyday outfit. IS THAT BETTER?
10th Outfit: Don Juan outfit, Worn during the Phantom's Opera
11th Outfit: Wedding Gown, The Phantom's Wedding dress for Christine includes viel