Full Name: Gerard James Butler
Gerard Butler Birthday: November 13, 1969
Birthplace: Glasgow, Scotland
Family: He is the youngest of 3 children (he has a brother and sister) and spent the first few years of his life in Canada
after returning to Scotland.
Former Occupations: Lawyer (He has a Law degree from Glasgow University, where he was also president of the school's
law society, but he was fired from his firm in one week before qualifiying as a lawyer.
Home: His primary residence is in London. He also has a loft in New York City.
Other Info: He stopped drinking alcohol years ago. He has never been engaged or married.(contrary to claims made by some.)
Debut: Made his stage debut at 12 in Oliver. Feature Film debut came in 1998 in the Oscar Nominated Mrs. Brown, he played
Archie Brown.
Extra: Took singing lessons for his part as the Phantom, he was determined to get the part. He was inspired by Patrick
Wilson and Emmy Rossum.