Phantom of the Opera

Dreams of an Angel by Christine_Opera_Angel
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Dreams of an Angel
By: Christine_Opera_Angel

As I lie in my bed at night
I look over at the lit candle
Next to my bed
I close my eyes and I fall asleep

My angel comes to me in my dreams
My eyes open and I sense him
Near my bed standing in the shadows
Hiding from me
Suddenly I see his hand in the candlelight
Beckoning me

He says to me, ‘Take my hand, Christine. Do not be afraid.’
Willingly I stretch out and place my hand in his
I gasp
His hand is like ice
However I do not pull away

I rise to my feet
As I leave my bed
My angel leads me into the darkness

I do not know where he is taking me
Yet I follow him as
We walk endlessly through the murky passageways

I reach my hand up to touch his face
I feel him grasp my wrist as he whirls around to face me
I hear his voice, ‘Never touch my face.’
He releases my wrist and shaking I lower my hand

He turns again taking my hand
Leading me through the complete darkness
Suddenly I see light up ahead
As he leads me into a room
Filled with lighted candles
They cast flickering shadows on the wall

The light rests on my angel’s face
As I look at him
My eyes widen and my breath catches in my throat
He is wearing a mask to hide his face

I want to pull away in fear
But I feel transfixed at I stare at him
I can feel his gaze on me
What does he want?

He pulls me into an embrace
He dips his head closer to mine
With his mask inches from my face
He whispers, ‘Christine, I love you.’

Feeling his warm breath on my cheek
I close my eyes and feel his lips press against mine
My senses leave me and I lose myself
In the darkness

I open my eyes and sit up abruptly
As I look around I see I am back in my room
My candle is still burning
Yet I am alone
‘It must have been a dream’, I think
Or was it?

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